Protect Yourself From Cyber Attacks With Encryption


Five words or less(NewsUSA) – Sponsored News – Much has been made about encryption and why it’s important to keeping your information safe. Yet, even after massive data breaches at major corporations (that you most likely frequent or have a connection to), it still remains one of those items that never quite seems to make it off your to-do list. Consider this: According to an article in The New York Times last year, half of American adults had their personal information exposed to hackers in 2014 alone. In an attack at the federal Office of Personnel Management, hackers stole the most sensitive personal data for 21.5 million people. This follows on the heels of a massive data breach last year at health insurer Anthem Inc., in which almost 79 million people had their personal information compromised, according to The Wall Street Journal. The problem is that the internet was never built for security. And with our mobile, on-the-go environment, experts say it’s no wonder that the idea of privacy is just that these days — an idea. “The way technology is woven into our daily lives, you can’t do without it,” Amy Danker, an employee at Epic Wines and Spirits, told the Oakland Tribune in a recent interview. “So what’s your other option? Are you gonna go back to a pager? I just assume that all my private information is already available through IP address. You don’t even think privacy exists, because it doesn’t anymore, right?” The good news is that it doesn’t have to happen to you, and the answer is simple and cost-efficient. The Gabriel app, available at the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, was designed and built with personal privacy and security as its foundation by VirnetX, an internet security software and technology company. For just $ 10 to $ 15 per year, users can take advantage of the Gabriel app and benefit from uncompromising CIA encryption technology that will secure everything including talk, video chat, text, email and even sharing photographs or documents. No one will be able to see, hear or intercept your communications except for the party you’re in contact with because Gabriel does not transmit or store data with any third party. It’s person-to-person, end-to-end encryption that all but eliminates hacking possibilities. Other benefits include: * Making free voice or video calls or sending instant messages to other Gabriel members. * Receiving seamless email. * Sharing pictures or files that can’t be intercepted. For more information, or to download Gabriel, please visit
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