So Your Company Went Mobile … Now What?


(NewsUSA) – Most companies know the need to go mobile to make their workforce more productive and efficient, but many don’t know what is needed outside of buying some tablets and software.The truth is, companies simply don’t consider how a mobile employee will carry or use a tablet while out in the field — whether that be an actual field, the floors of an emergency room, the roof of a hail-damaged house or the halls of a huge hotel.The problem is elegant in its simplicity — a tablet, like any tool, must be easily carried and accessible at all times.For most of us who sit behind a computer all day, this doesn’t seem like an issue — but think about what it would be like to climb a ladder while, at the same time, juggling a tablet.A mobile device-carrying solution is just as important for anyone working with a tablet (such as an iPad) as it is for a carpenter needing a toolbelt for a hammer.Mobility is all about efficiency and increased productivity. If executed right, that’s the end result. If executed wrong, it can be a costly mistake, hazardous to the worker’s safety.Enter RUNNUR, a hands-free, wearable system that locks a tablet directly to an employee’s side via a standard belt or heavy-duty belt clip.In one simple click, the system solves the problem of carrying a tablet for on-the-go work, even keeping it safe from inadvertent drops by way of a tethering system (much like a tiny rock climber’s rope)."Our products provide a unique combination of attributes: hands-free functionality, device access in one second, and protection against dropping," says Andrew Hamra, CEO of RUNNUR."We don’t expect a carpenter to carry his hammer around by hand all day. Neither should we expect someone to do the same with their tablet."Get more information or purchase your own RUNNUR at