Not All Encryption Is Created Equal


Five words or less(NewsUSA) – Sponsored News – Despite constant news cycles of rampant data security breaches occurring everywhere from Fortune 500 companies to brand name retailers, and now, more alarmingly, to healthcare organizations, it seems that most people still have a laissez-faire attitude about encryption and protecting their personal information. One of the problems, experts say, is that most people believe that strong passwords are a fail-safe against getting hacked, when in reality, all they do is create a false sense of security. If, like most people, you’re unsure what all the hubbub is about surrounding end-to-end encryption, read on to get yourself educated. What You Should Know End-to-end encryption is a method of secure communication that prevents third-parties (hackers) from accessing data while it’s transferred from one device to another, according to one technology company. Translated, this means that any data that is sent cannot be seen by anyone in between — not your internet service provider, the company behind apps that are being created (hello, Facebook and Google) or the person in Nigeria that would like you to send him money that he promises to pay back. Likewise, encryption extends to all forms of communication so that no one can decipher or read conversations, or see photos or videos. It’s that simple. All Encryption Software Is Not The Same Now that you have a better understanding of what end-to-end encryption is and why it’s important, where to start? One answer that is easy and cost-efficient is the Gabriel app, available at the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Gabriel was designed and built with personal privacy and security as its foundation by VirnetX, an internet security software and technology company. For just $ 10 to $ 15 per year, users can take advantage of the Gabriel app and benefit from uncompromising CIA encryption technology that will secure everything from talk, video chat, text, email and even sharing photographs or documents. No one will be able to see, hear or intercept your communications except for the party you’re in contact with because Gabriel does not transmit or store data with any third party. It’s person-to-person, end-to-end encryption that all but eliminates hacking possibilities. Other benefits include: * Making free voice or video calls or sending instant messages to other Gabriel members. * Receiving seamless email. * Sharing pictures or files that can’t be intercepted. For more information, or to download Gabriel, please visit
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